Introduction Imagine you have saved a significant amount of money. You worked hard, saved every spare dollar, and now have a nice sum in your savings account, waiting to be invested. What would be better: invest everything at once, or gradually scale into the...
Introduction As we step into the world of investing, we are not just navigating the financial markets. We also have to face our emotions, which can cloud our judgment. Cognitive biases like loss aversion, confirmation bias, herd behavior, and overconfidence are rooted...
We’ve compiled a list of the most important and valuable investing books, and give you their pros and cons- from our subjective perspective. Are you looking to take control of your financial future? Investing is a powerful tool that can help you build wealth and...
This blog post expands the article about diversification within a portfolio. The former demonstrated the diversifying effect of investing in different asset classes. This article describes those asset classes in more detail: what they are, their properties, and their...
Every piece of advice for retail investors, beginners or seasoned ones, sooner or later mentions ETF: Exchange Traded Funds. They are considered to be suitable investments for beginners. As the ETF market got huge in the last decades, the number of available ETFs and...
Let’s develop a process that leads us into investing! We will break it down into five easy, actionable steps how to start investing now. If you landed on this site while looking at how to start your journey as an investor: congratulations, you took the necessary...
This article explores how cognitive biases like loss aversion and overconfidence affect our investment choices and gives strategies and tools to overcome them....
We've compiled a subjective list of most important and valuable investing books. Beginners or experienced investors- this article has something for everyone!...
This blog post expands the article about diversification within a portfolio. We describe those asset classes in more detail: what they are, their properties, and their behavior in different economic conditions....
As the ETF market got huge in the last decades, so did the challenge finding the best ETF that fits our personal strategy and is cost-effective.
This article will shed some light on what ETFs are, how they work, and how we pick the most suitable ones for our portfolios....